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Dr. Strangelove
Directed by the amazing Stanley Kubrick, Dr. Strangelove is a cinematic masterpiece with every frame brilliantly thought out as it’s message is delivered in a truly explosive fashion. There is no better character demise than the epic ride Major T.J. King Kong (played by Slim Pickens) takes as he mounts a nuclear bomb and heads to oblivion. Once you’ve seen this scene, it will stay with you forever. Kubrick is a master craftsman and this scene is one of his most iconic.

Useful Links:
Dr. Strangelove Wiki
Dr. Strangelove Theatrical Trailer
Watch Major T.J. King Kong Ride the Bomb
Paths of Glory
Our second Kubrick film profiled in this session and with good reason; Paths of Glory presents us with, near as we can tell, the very first dramatic walk away scene in film. Kirk Douglas gives a truly inspired performance here and makes this scene one of the most epic from any War inspired flick. Kubrick definitely has an eye for framing and this scene might be one of his best. If you haven’t had the pleasure of a viewing of Paths of Glory, we highly recommend it!

Useful Links:
Paths of Glory Wiki
Paths of Glory Trailer
See Kirk Douglas execute the Dramatic Walk Away
First appearing in the pages of Marvel’s G.I Joe: A Real American Hero #24 back in 1984, Firefly has been a character shrouded in mystery since day one- the character prides himself on staying anonymous and is even known as the faceless master. Essentially a merc for hire, Firefly has teamed up with the forces of Cobra on a number of occasions, mainly because the pay has always been right. He easily has one of the more iconic looks from the JOE franchise and his action figure has always been a favorite in the Diabolical Penthouse.

Useful Links:
Firefly Wiki Page
Original Firefly Action Figure from 1984
Our favorite scene with Firefly from the original Joe Cartoon
Diabolical Artists
Music Provided By: Nanobytedubs – Make sure you check them out for some great tunes.
Artwork Provided By: Kristian – Check out his amazing ART here