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In this session we reminisce on Star Wars: Battlefront and discuss why we prefer playing the underdog. Your 30 Minutes of Diabolical begins now…
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– Show Notes –
Star Wars: Battlefront (2004)
If Shadows of the Empire was an appetizer to experiencing the battle of Hoth and tying up AT-ATs, then no doubt Battlefront was the main course. The game put boots on the ground in a galaxy far, far away and delivered on a truly memorable game experience as you played as a cog in one faction or another fighting like a common grunt. Blasters not lightsabers were your weapons of choice and you felt all the classic battles you had only previously watched on film. Fall in Stormtroopers, your destiny awaits.

Useful Links:
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II (2010)
Team Diabolical has found memories of the original Force Unleashed game, it was a novel concept and, in our opinion, delivered on some fun game play. The game’s second iteration, however, was drastically less exciting. While the gameplay was still somewhat engaging, the storyline just had too many inconsistencies for our taste. Below you’ll relive the game’s climatic force take down of a Star Destroyer… which in itself begs the question, if you can take down a star destroyer with the force, who or what can really stand in your way? While on paper, we have no doubt this whole scene sounded amazing, it really takes you out of the game and hurts it’s authenticity… More importantly, the level gets rather tedious and takes way too long to complete.

Useful Links:
The Force Unleashed II Wiki
Taking down the Star Destroyer (Youtube)
This Week’s Dope
Chuck’s Dope
New Episode VII Teaser Trailer – The recent Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim dropped the latest teaser trailer for Episode VII and it really hit the nostalgia in me hard. I have to give high praise to whomever is chopping up these teaser trailers thus far, both have been on point and have hit every necessary memorable beat. The more that is revealed from this film, I just can’t see how the collective universe isn’t going to eat it up like the delicious candy it is. Star Wars is back and it feels damn good to say it. Easily my dope this week…
Curtis’ Dope
Sometimes all it takes is one scene to captivate a mind for a life time. As my tour through Sci-fi of yesteryear continues, I was reacquainted with one of the most incredible pull backs of all time in this diabolical mind’s opinion. Bask in the dope that had my mind a buzz this week and one I’ll watch countless times to be sure.
Diabolical Artists
Music Provided By:
Devoted To God: https://soundcloud.com/devoted-to-god
Lux Rec (Dope Track): https://soundcloud.com/luxrec
Kaelyn: https://soundcloud.com/kaelyn97
Hard Blue Candy: https://soundcloud.com/hnrk93
Artwork Provided By:
Michael (Klaus Heissler): http://klausheissler.deviantart.com/